Monday, 13 July 2009

Dear all,
Good meeting this evening and good to see some new faces too. I have figured out how to invite people to join the blog and so will get started on inviting the very many people whose email addresses the group has.

Also I took a look at some map/distance tools on the web and am pleased and not at all surprised to confirm that the LP zone is well over half a mile from Blackhorse Road and the High St. As the crow flies, BHR station to the corner of Winns Terrace/Ave is 0.883 miles, very much outside the limit. From Blackhorse Road to the nearest part of Winns Ave is 0.485 miles, so technically a few houses at the end furthest from the park may be just inside the half mile radius, but the VAST majority of the area is clearly not. Just for completeness from the High St (I was kind, I suspect WCentral would be fairer) to the corner of Winns Ave and Terrace is 0.572 miles and NO point of Winns Ave is under 0.50 miles.

So in sum 0.015 miles (that is 24m , maybe 2 properties?) of Winns Ave (furthest from the park) are less that 0.5miles from Blackhorse road and none of it is 0.5 miles from the High St. And these numbers will be in my request for an independent review on whether the council followed it's own procedures. Because clearly they don't.
Check for yourself here.... I will look some more at a later date.
Best wishes all,


  1. Dear All,

    A serious question to be answered, 'was due process followed' during the implementation of the CPZ on Winns Avenue?

    Well, it seems NOT!

    Firstly, I have it on spoken authority (and from email communications) that the report of the consultation response was not passed to William Morris Ward Councillors for final viewing before being approved and signed off by Councillor holding the Environment Portfolio.

    In addition, the initial results of the consultation revealed that only four replies were received from the residents of Winns Avenue; 3 of these replies said NO to the CPZ and 1 said YES. The entries for residents that did not reply to the consultation were taken as an AUTOMATIC YES vote!

    In addition it seems that not all residents of Winns Avenue even received a copy of the consultation questionnaire!

    Surely it is vital to ensure that each household definitely receives a consultation questionnaire on such a contentious matter! A simple check list that is officially signed off by a senior member of the consultation team would ensure this is carried out.

    Letters of ‘corporate complaint’ have been sent to the Chief Executive of the Council Andrew Kilburn and the replies received just recently are due to be taken to the next step in the complaints procedure.

    All the best,

  2. Dear All,

    A serious question to be answered, 'was due process followed' during the implementation of the CPZ on Winns Avenue?

    Well, it seems NOT!

    Firstly, I have it on spoken authority (and from email communications) that the report of the consultation response was not passed to William Morris Ward Councillors for final viewing before being approved and signed off by Councillor holding the Environment Portfolio.

    In addition, the initial results of the consultation revealed that only four replies were received from the residents of Winns Avenue; 3 of these replies said NO to the CPZ and 1 said YES. The entries for residents that did not reply to the consultation were taken as an AUTOMATIC YES vote!

    In addition it seems that not all residents of Winns Avenue even received a copy of the consultation questionnaire!

    Surely it is vital to ensure that each household definitely receives a consultation questionnaire on such a contentious matter! A simple check list that is officially signed off by a senior member of the consultation team would ensure this is carried out.

    Letters of ‘corporate complaint’ have been sent to the Chief Executive of the Council Andrew Kilburn and the replies received just recently are due to be taken to the next step in the complaints procedure.
