Monday, 20 July 2009

WMCPAG needs YOU!!

Hopefully you will be reading this as a result of recieving a flyer that was distributed over the weekend,if so-welcome!
A laminated poster for residents to fix to their gate or show in their window is in the process of being produced by WMCPAG and we particulary would like to hear from residents in Fleeming and Elphinstone roads and Winns Avenue as we are short of WMCPAG contacts in those roads to help with distributing and displaying the posters.
If you are interested in helping or would like to attend any future meetings,then please leave a comment or send an email to can be involved as little or as much as you feel comfortable with and this is your chance to voice your concerns at the negative affect that the CPZ has on WM residents.

1 comment:

  1. Hello
    I live in the LP zone. This may not be the right place to say it, but we voted in favour of the residents parking. The reason for this was that it had become completely impossible to park on our road, or anywhere near our road. Coming back to the house with shopping and a small child was a nightmare. I don't like residents parking in principle, but it had been introduced the other side of Forest Road, which pushed all the cars on to our road. No doubt the same has now happened in areas just outside the zone. So it seems to me that either you need to have a much wider review of parking in the area - and potentially get rid of residents parking in the wider area altogether - or find another solution. Hopefully there are some planning experts around who can come up with a good solution, as I don't know what it is.

    It would be really helpful if WMCPAG could set out what it is campaigning for - apologies if this has been said previously. It gets a bit difficult to follow these strings.
